Sunday, 13 March 2011

Tip Top Tins

I can't seem to put a good tin down recently, so here are just a few of my vintage finds from the past few weeks.

There's just something about their retro patterns and vintage style of illustration that gives each of these tins their very own personality.

Many tins are very hard to place, however some are stamped. The orange biscuit tin (above back) dates from the 1960s and was produced by Baret Ware, whereas the festive Christmas cake tin is stamped Regency Ware, but I'm unsure of the date. The two blue beauties below are a three-tier and single cake tin from the same range but I am unsure of their date and origin.

Luckily, our jolly Harlequin tin below is marked 'James Pascall, Mitcham, Surrey'. Pascall used to work for Cadbury's before setting up his own sweet shop with his brother in 1866. No doubt this wonderful tin once contained his famous fruit Bonbons! Find out more about Pascall here.

There are many sites that sell similar tins, so if you're keen to get your hands on some, here are a few of my favorite: H is for Home and Wooden Donkey.

Alternatively, leave a comment and make me an offer :-)

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